Irish tartans are usually connected with various Counties and districts, unlike Scottish tartans which today are more closely linked to and families.
There are up to now over twenty-five thousand registered, nowhere near that number are claimed by the Irish.
Indeed the amount of Irish County tartans number around thirty-two.
These County tartans are typical fairly modern-day, having been designed and produced mainly the Irish-American marketplace.
It is interesting to see they are all created and produced in so that it calls into concern whether they can truly be viewed Irish tartans.
Without a doubt these County tartans tend to be largely not known in and generally are hard to acquire here.
Just to provide a sense of exactly how Irish County tartans look, you can see three of those photographed the following.
County Dublin Tartan
County Londonderry Tartan
County Tipperary Tartan
You can find only three tartans that could be defined as being distinctly Irish.
They're Ulster, Tara and Clodagh.
You can observe an image of Tara below.
Tara Tartan
The Ulster tartan dates from around 1590-1650, and is thought to be Scottish in source, Tara made its very first look around 1880, and was initially called Murphy, and Clodagh was noted in 1971, along with its initial designer and look unsure.
Additionally there are various household tartans readily available, the most common being O'Brien, Sullivan, Murphy and Fitzpatrick, and undoubtedly some generic tartans including the Irish National and St. Patrick's,
In Ireland these days the kilt remains viewed as mostly Scottish, and thus it is unusual to notice it becoming used on streets on just about every day to day basis.
Having said that, Irish tartans are on the increase plus the is quite popular especially in united states, where many people can claim Irish history.
In reality there clearly was even a tartan called Irish American, see picture below.
Irish American Tartan
If you wish further information on these tartans, or have any various other kilt related questions i'd like to hear from you.
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