'Stirling Bagpipes' combines manufacturing workshop and a retail outlet. We specialise for making quality homemade highland bagpipes also smallpipes and borderpipes. You can expect bespoke bagpipes from our standard range but can additionally create tailor-made sets relating to our buyer's specs. Our turner will change parts and do refurbishments also provide valuations. In our shop we have a wide assortment of traditional bagpipes of popular provides to buy.
Stirling Bagpipes' owner and bagpipe maker Alan Waldron's connections with bagpipes started in Gibraltar in 1991 when he initially took classes in piping. Later on, Alan invested sometime involved in Galway, Ireland in which he intensified his interest in folk music & bagpipes.
On the return from Ireland in 1996, Alan knew which he desired to be concerned intensively using the generating and playing of bagpipes. He had been utilized retailing pipes for 36 months and was tutored in bagpipe playing by globally renowned soloist Allan MacDonald.
By 2000 he began making his very own pipelines. He joined Garvie Bagpipes, one of several leading Scottish bagpipe manufacturers based in Edinburgh. This is where he very first perfected production smallpipes, borderpipes & program pipes and fleetingly afterwards became a highland bagpipe manufacturer. He could be involved with all phases of bagpipe making including reed making, bellow making, lathe work and tuning.
Alan has constantly dreamt about starting his very own bagpipe making company. That dream emerged real five years ago when he found appropriate premises and decided on moving to Stirling.