Types of Scottish Dance

January 23, 2022
The two main types of Scottish
THE SCOTS BONNET (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 10

1- 8 1s+2s party R&L
9-16 1s lead down the middle and right back
17-24 1s cast, mix RH, cast straight down behind 3s and lead up to Balance-in-Line with 2s (Men face down)
25-32 1s+2s Balance-in-Line across, ½ turn opposite partners LH to put 2s in center, Balance-in-Line, 2s party to 1st place as 1s mix to 2nd places

(MINICRIB, Dance Crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, along with his successors)

Party Information

a Tam O'Shanter is considered the most typical Scottish bonnet donned by guys. It had been known as after the character Tam o' Shanter in poem of this title by Robert Burns.

The bonnet consists of wool with a toorie (pompon) at the heart, as well as the top is approximately two times the diameter of mind.

Additionally many other types of Scots Bonnet such as the Glengarry additionally the Balmoral bonnet.

tam-o'-shanter Image The Scots Bonnet - Tam O'Shanter
As donned by The Royal Highland Fusiliers Battalion associated with the Royal Regiment Of ScotlandDance Ideas licensed under this innovative Commons Licence.
Text from this initial tam-o'-shanter article on Wikipedia.
Source: www.scottish-country-dancing-dictionary.com
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