The Bagpipe Band is an important the main nature, missionary attempts, and gospel message of this Nauvoo Pageant. The unique noise associated with the pipes evokes another destination and time as his or her music attracts people to Nauvoo Remembered historic vignettes while the nation Fair. Each evening the stirring strains of Praise into the guy (also called Scotland the Brave) set a majestic tone when it comes to pageant performance as pipers lead market and cast people in a festive parade through the nation Fair field into the pageant web site.
During pageant, the pipes accompany the lively "highland fling" carried out because of the cast. First and foremost, bagpipes represent two of the significant characters into the pageant: Scottish convert Becky Laird along with her spouse Robert, whoever spiritual journey encourages audience people to think about deeply the gospel message.
The Nauvoo Pageant Bagpipe Band should be associated with numerous important aspects of the general pageant experience. Band people will participate in scheduled outreach activities in surrounding communities, pre-vignette activities, Mulholland Street shows, nation Fair activities including the Highland Fling dance place together with Nauvoo Pageant Parade leading the guests towards seating section of the pageant. Additionally, musical organization people come and welcomed after all family cast activities including district teams, cast group meetings, temple activity, skill show, testimony conference, household dances, missionary possibilities, positioning and welcome meetings.
To engage, pipers should be able to:
- offer, preserve and tune their own pipelines, keep time with other pipes, and play while marching. Interested pipers needs knowledge marching in parades, playing in pipe rings or with other pipers, or carrying out in competitions.
- provide their particular kilts and regalia, including footgear, sporran, and gear. Tops is provided by the pageant costume staff.
All pipers will be in way of a pipe major that will coordinate pipeline rehearsals, vignette performances, community events, Country Fair demonstrations, as well as other pageant tasks. Members of the family with experience as drummers or Highland performers may also be expected to participate in these activities.
Regarding Talent/Biographical element of the program, kindly suggest your experience, including information including whether you have marched in parades, for those who have took part in competitions and just what class amount, when you yourself have enjoyed a pipeline musical organization, exactly how many many years you've been playing, etc. If other family unit members have actually special abilities, please indicate these abilities regarding the Talent/Biographical part aswell.
All individuals are responsible for their own transportation. Headquarters for pageant are found within Nauvoo /Colusa Jr. senior high school that is situated on Hwy 96 five kilometers east of pageant phase. A number of the pageant tasks happen there. Each individual or family will undoubtedly be needed to have their personal transportation in Nauvoo in their pageant participation. If flying to an airport near Nauvoo, it is important to make arrangements for your own transport, once the pageant neglects to work any shuttle service.